Home Page / Legislation / Trade Practices Amendment (Infrastructure Access) Act 2010


Trade Practices Amendment (Infrastructure Access) Act 2010



The Parliamentary bill summary describes the Act as follows:

Amends the National Access Regime in Part IIIA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 in relation to: binding time limits and limited merits review; applications by certain persons that a certain service is ineligible to be a declared service; enabling the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to accept access undertakings with fixed principles that will apply to subsequent undertakings; enabling the ACCC to issue an amendment notice proposing amendments to a proposed access undertaking submitted by a service provider; administrative processes of the National Competition Council and the Australian Competition Tribunal; and consequential amendments.

The Minister (Dr Emerson) sets out more detail about the Act in his second reading speech.


Key provisions



Parliamentary Inquiry

On 19 November 2009 the Senate referred the Bill for inquiry and report. See the review page.

